Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own workplace
cultural diversity lesson.
Excerpt from Lesson:
Brainstorming is a technique
for generating new ideas on a topic, usually a
problem that seems hard to solve. The rules for
brainstorming are designed to help people be
creative and spontaneous in their thinking so that
as many ideas as possible, are generated. It was
invented in 1941 by Alex Osborn, an advertising
executive, who wanted to devise a method that would
encourage people to spark off new ideas, without
inhibitions. He defined brainstorming as "a
conference technique by which a group attempts to
find a solution for a specific problem by amassing
all the ideas spontaneously by its members".
This process, he discovered,
allowed far more ideas to be generated than in any
normal discussion and that by producing more ideas,
people had a better chance of finding useful ones:
from quantity came quality. A key part of the
process is to come up with wild or silly ideas
because these in turn can spark off really useful

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: