Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own workplace
cultural diversity lesson.
Excerpt from Lesson:
Diversity issues in the workplace
are really separate from cross-cultural issues despite
the obvious areas of overlap. Diversity is closely
allied to a nation’s social policies of equal rights
and inclusion while cross-cultural issues are aligned
more with international business. However, the two
fields rely on very similar analyses of how a group’s
values influence behavior.
The diversity agenda arose out of
civil rights’ movements, the increasing multi-racialism
of many western societies, and the demands of traditionally
under-privileged groups for an equal stake in the
society’s structures and organizations. Fifty years
ago, the key areas of government, administration,
law, education and business were dominated by a
group that was typically white, male, middle-aged,
well educated, and relatively wealthy. Today, many
nations are adopting and attempting to implement
policies that ensure all groups in the society have
an equal opportunity to fulfill their potential
as they choose, rather than simply to slot into
stereotyped roles.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: