Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own skills lesson.
- Introduce the topic by explaining that giving and receiving criticism require tact and openness.
- Have the students read the comprehension passage.
Have them complete the exercise.
Ask for some of the students to act out their dialogue with a partner. Gather group ideas about the new dialogues.
When we give or receive criticism or feedback we have to be careful not to seem negative in giving it or defensive in receiving it. The value of feedback is that it helps us learn how others perceive our behavior. This in turn can help us develop or adapt to new situations. However, if it is badly handled criticism can be destructive. It is therefore useful to learn how to give feedback to others in a constructive manner and how to receive feedback in such a way that it aids our personal growth.
Giving criticism
Remember that it is easy to criticize others. Try not to give criticism simply because you are good at fault-finding.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: