Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own lesson.
- Introduce the topic by explaining that our lifestyle can have a major impact on our health throughout our lives.
- Have the students read the comprehension passage.
- Give them the worksheet and ask them to complete it.
Ask them to share some of their findings and aims with the group.
Nobody can guarantee us a life free from illness or accidents but many of the choices we make in our daily lives can influence whether we get sick and whether we expose ourselves to danger. Many killer diseases are directly related to our lifestyles: what and how much we eat, lack of exercise, stress. But we can choose to live more healthily and if we form good habits when we are young they will stay with us throughout our lives and give us the best possible chance of staying well and safe. The important point to remember is that we have choices—we have it within our power either to look after our body and mind or to neglect our well-being.
The key choices for a healthy lifestyle concern:

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: