- One copy per student of the lesson Persuasive Writing (see below for printable lesson and worksheet)
Teachers may either print out the lesson and have students read it themselves, and/or use the lesson for your own business skills lesson.
Lesson Excerpt:
What is persuasive writing?
You encounter persuasive argument and persuasive writing everyday if you watch TV, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper. Any time you encounter advertising or listen to someone debate an issue, you are hearing a persuasive argument. Sometimes you even participate in a persuasive argument to get someone to join you in doing something they may not want to do, such as getting someone to go to a movie they don’t want to see or to try a food they have never tried before.
Persuasive writing is not based purely on opinion. Factual data is used to support the writer’s point of view. Without the factual support, your point of view is much less credible and your audience will not be persuaded.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the following pages for
use with this lesson: