- One copy per student of the lesson Effective Business Writing: Preparing to Write (see below for printable lesson and worksheet)
Teachers may either print out the lesson and have students read it themselves, and/or use the lesson for your own business skills lesson.
Lesson Excerpt:
With the prevalence of electronic communication tools used in the business world, it is now increasingly common for employees to need effective writing skills when in the past it wasn't necessary. In addition, with the globalization of today’s business market, employees must communicate with co-workers in several countries with varying degrees of expertise in English. Mistakes in these circumstances can create lots of problems.
In many cases, your professional credibility will rely on your ability to communicate effectively, especially in writing. You may even have to communicate directly with your customers. Not only can writing clearly and effectively make a great difference in work flow, and reduce the chance for errors due to misinterpretation, but it can also help you shine above your peers and help you get promoted.
The problem is that many people don’t know how to write professionally. The use of text messaging, instant messaging, and e-mail has significantly reduced people’s ability to communicate clearly and professionally using correct grammar and appropriate style. A lot of modern communication modes require the use of highly abbreviated language or contains extensive slang which is not appropriate for the workplace.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the following pages for
use with this lesson: