Teaching Materials
Lesson Excerpt:
1. Define a focus group as a way of obtaining the opinion of the buying public. Focus groups are small groups of people who are brought together to give feedback on an idea, product, or service or to test a product.
2. Divide students into focus groups of 4-5 students. Each group will provide feedback on the prototypes or service demonstrations of the other members of their group. The feedback must include a positive statement as well as a realistic suggestion for improvement. Provide enough Focus Group Feedback Forms so that each student can fill out a separate form for each member of their group. Remind students that they must provide positive feedback as well as realistic suggestions for improvement.
3. After the focus groups have completed their work, students should be given time to
experiment with prototype revising and improvement based on the feedback they have received.
4. Once students have had an opportunity to make design changes based on Focus Group feedback, they will need to complete the Final Supply List.
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