Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own business skills lesson.
Introduce the topic by explaining that complex projects can only succeed by careful planning, monitoring and reviewing. Although different models of project management exist, the classic model is presented here. Have the students read the comprehension passage.
Have them complete the worksheet.
Check their answers, discuss items that could belong to more than one phase. (A.2 B.1 C.4/5 D. 2 E.4 F.5 G.2 H.4 I.2 J. 4)
Project management is the systematic planning and co-ordination of people, activities and resources to ensure that a complex undertaking can be successfully achieved within a given time frame and budget. Classic project management has five main phases: initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. The first phase is when the overall aim and enabling objectives are defined. It is the point at which a project manager can be identified along with the stakeholders in the project. The stakeholders include anyone likely to be affected by the execution and outcome of the project. The scope of the project then needs to be agreed, the resources checked, the team assembled and the risks assessed.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: