- One copy per student of the lesson Research Writing: Planning for a New Research Project (see below for printable lesson and worksheet)
Teachers may either print out the lesson and have students read it themselves, and/or use the lesson for your own writing skills lesson.
Lesson Excerpt:
What is research writing?
At one time or another, we have all had to write knowledgeably on a topic. Because we are not usually experts in the subject matter of all topics, we usually have to educate ourselves using existing information before we can report credibly on the topic to someone else.
Research writing is the process by which we gather information to answer a question or problem and, then, deliver that information to an audience who has an interest or a “need to know” about the topic. In research, we are trying to investigate ideas and illuminate new details about what we already know.
However, research writing is not about writing everything you can on a topic without any focus. Research writing is more of a process by which you answer a question for yourself and then let other people know what you learned. Sometimes the research is used to support an argument and sometimes is it used to analyze a problem.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the following pages for
use with this lesson: