Teaching Materials:
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use the
lesson for your own
savings lesson.
Students should complete the
exercise at the end of the
Excerpt from Lesson:
Why Should I Save Money?
There are many great reasons to save money. You may want to save your money to buy something specific such as a new video game or a new shirt. If you’re really thinking ahead, you might even be saving for college. It’s also good to get into the habit of saving money in case something comes up where you’ll want or need money quickly.
How Do I Save Money?
There are many ways to save money. You can put it in a piggy bank in your room. You can also have your parents help you open up a savings account at the bank. Many times, banks will pay you interest for keeping your money with them.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: