Teaching Materials:
- One copy per student of the comprehension passage and questionnaire worksheet (see below for
printable lesson).
Teachers may either print out
the lesson and have students
read it themselves, or use it for your own lesson.
1.Introduce the topic by explaining that low self-esteem arises when we stress the negative aspects of ourselves. Explain that everybody has the right to the respect of others and to positive self-esteem.
2. Have the students read the text.
3. Distribute the worksheet and have students complete the tasks.
Summarize the significance of the lesson: self-esteem is not about ignoring faults in ourselves but about accentuating and celebrating the positive and finding ways of dealing with the negative. We recognize that nobody is perfect, that everybody has good points and that we all have the capacity for self-esteem.
1. Understanding low self-esteem
Our self-image derives partly from the messages we receive from those around us and partly from our attempts to compare ourselves with those we think of as role models. If we received a great deal of criticism as a child, if we never seemed to live up to our parents’ and teachers' expectations, then it is hardly surprising that we find ourselves believing we are just not worth anything as people. We may also have found that we were expected to live 'down' to the expectations of teachers and family. In other words, they may have tried to convince us that we were not capable of achieving anything worthwhile, failing to nurture any natural talents and interests that we had.
On top of all this, the world is awash with media images of perfection: women—with perfect figures and hair, beautiful skin, bodies that never age; luxurious, spotless houses; handsome and successful men; clever, polite children. Of course, we know the reality isn't like that, but still we compare ourselves to these paragons and so simply reinforce our own negative self-image.
2. Changing self-image

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: