Teaching Materials
First ask the group to think about a major purchase they have made recently. Ask them to tell you what qualities the salesperson displayed that made them want to buy. Note these qualities on the board or flip chart and when you have a complete list, put a different symbol against each: one to represent physical qualities (smart appearance, smiling, etc.); another to represent willingness to help explain and meet specific needs and a third to represent level of awareness of the product and the competition.
The symbols could be an asterisk a tick and a circle, for example.
Next give the students five minutes to read the text.
When they have read it, ask them to work in pairs to discuss the questions.
After five minutes, gather the answers and write the key points on the board or flip chart.
Lesson Debrief:
Ask the students to tell you what aspects of selling they believe would be easiest to acquire and which the most difficult.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson: