Teaching Materials
Points to highlight
- ways good teamwork benefit projects
- how the skills in the series are interrelated
- why good communication, leadership, and time management skills are useful in building good teamwork skills
- ways to improve communication, leadership, and time management skills
- the three aspects of active cooperation
- which aspect is least likely to be followed and how to be more comfortable doing it
Lesson Excerpt:
The ability to work as a team member is a very common requirement of most jobs in business and industry today. The reason for its importance is similar as well: you don’t work in a vacuum; most career positions today are complex enough that input from coworkers, supervisors, even clients is needed to move a project from the planning stages to completion.
Remember that most companies are in business to make a profit. Contention, confusion, and even “loner” behavior can negatively impact any project: delay schedules, produce stale solutions, and increase costs. On the other hand, good teamwork skills can do just the opposite: move projects along faster, create innovative solutions, and increase profits!

Lesson Printable Materials -
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exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson:
Team Member Lesson and Activity *
Printable lesson and
activity. |
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