Teaching Materials
Introduce the topic by explaining that many businesses
have teams to carry out complex operations. Have
the students read the comprehension passage. Have
them work in pairs on the activities.
Go around the pairs collecting their ideas for activity
A and displaying them on the whiteboard. Check the
answers for activity B.
Lesson Excerpt:
Working in teams requires
people to collaborate on
projects. The philosophy behind
teamwork is that a group can
harness the skills of all its
members and will thus be more
effective than individuals
working alone. However, for
teams to succeed the individuals
have to share this belief and
understand how to cooperate.
They need to share values, trust
and respect each other, and
recognize their own competencies
and those of others.
Although teamwork requires a
willingness to put the group’s
needs first, it does not mean
that individuals are not
recognized and valued for their
unique contribution. For any
specific project it is essential
to know what skills are needed
and to find the right mix of
people who can provide them.
Each team member will have a
personal role to play. However,
the individuals must share the
common goals of the team and be
willing to act in accordance
with the group’s action plan.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the teaching lesson pages and
exercise worksheets for
use with this lesson:
Teamwork Lesson and Activity *
Printable lesson and
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