- One copy per student of the lesson Effective Business Writing: Guidelines to Follow (see below for printable lesson and worksheet)
Teachers may either print out the lesson and have students read it themselves, and/or use the lesson for your own business skills lesson.
Lesson Excerpt:
Once you have properly prepared to start a writing project by thinking in more detail about the goals of your project and the audience your message is expected to reach, you are ready to write.
Here are some guidelines to keep in mind throughout the writing process:
1. Be professional at all times.
Lack of professionalism is one of the biggest mistakes people make in their business writing. Remember that your reputation depends on the effective delivery of your message.
When you are writing, everything you say is documented, so make sure you are accurate and prepared to back-up what you say.
Many employers track their employees’ communications, so maintaining professional communications at all times is imperative.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the following pages for
use with this lesson: