For the educator who wants to teach basic money skills and more.

Money Lesson Plans for Teachers and Educators - Materials - Money Lessons for Students - K12


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Below is a sample, and only a part, of our Money Introduction lesson. 

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MONEY LESSON PLAN: Money Introduction
  • An introduction to money:  What is money, how do you get it, and what do you use it for?
  • This lesson includes slides and comments for each slide.  No prior knowledge or preparation is necessary.
  • Appropriate for class grades 1 to 5.


  • What is money, why do we have it, how do we use it, and how do we get it?

  • Basic money math.

  • Concept of bartering.

  • Difference between goods and services.



  • Print out the slides. 

  • Follow the comments.

    When presenting this lesson to your class, you may use the comments in the red box with each slide, or improvise and make up your own comments and discussion.  Our comments are only presented here to help you with your instruction.

  • Discussion questions

    Used for encouraging discussion related to each slide.



  • Slides:  print out each of the slides below.

  • Coins, dollar bills (Teacher and students).  Or use our play money worksheets.  Coins or bills.

  • Canned or preserved food, books, or other items to demonstrate bartering.





  • "Next class we will begin a lesson about money.  To prepare for the lesson, if you like, I would like each of you to bring in a little bit of money if you have it, such a few coins and/or a single dollar bill."



Slide 1:  Money


  • "Today we are going to begin a lesson about money.  We will learn such things as where money comes from, what money looks like, and what we can do with money."


Discussion Questions:

  • Does anyone know what money is?

  • What does the "$" symbol on the pig mean?  (the dollar sign - it's a symbol representing money)

  • What does the pig represent?  (saving.  We will talk about saving a little later.)

  • What kinds of money is there?  (Coins and currency.  Go on to next slide).



Slide 2:  Currency


  • "Money comes in two forms:  coins and paper money.  Does anyone know which is which? 
  • What is the difference between the two?"


Discussion Questions:

  • Are there any other forms of money you can think of?  (checks, credit cards, etc)

  • Who is on the dollar bill?  (go on to next slide)



Slide 3:  Paper Money

  • "If you look at the paper money, it has a picture of a famous American on it.  Do you know who each of these individuals are? 
  • If you brought some money into class with you, take a look at it and see what pictures are on the money?  Which of these people have you seen on paper money?"


$1 = George Washington

$5 = Abraham Lincoln

$10 = Alexander Hamilton

$20 = Andrew Jackson

$50 = Ulysses S. Grant

$100 = Benjamin Franklin




Slide 4:  Money Math

"You can put money together to make bigger money.  For example:

5 pennies = nickel

2 nickels = dime

2 dimes and 1 nickel = quarter

4 quarters = dollar


Discussion Questions:

  • Are there any other combinations you can think of?

  • What other money is there?  (half-dollar)


This is a sample, and only a part, of our Money Introduction lesson plan. 

If you would like to see the lesson in full, and gain access to our content, then





The following links are not required, but they may be useful in giving you some background information related to this lesson:




You may find these worksheets useful to reinforce information learned in this lesson:


Copyright 2002-2016 Money Instructor.  All rights reserved.




This is a sample, and only a part, of our Money Introduction lesson plan. 

If you would like to see the lesson in full, and gain access to our content, then







Many of our money worksheets are random and customizable.

Teachers and educators may create several different versions depending on your students' needs.

Our worksheets, money lessons, and money lesson plans are organized into the different money categories.


While learning about money, your students will also be reinforcing their basic math, reading comprehension, and other basic skills!


Teach and learn money skills, personal finance, and money management.  Counting money, money math, checks, checkbook, checking, budgeting, spending money, saving money, taxes, investing, basic economics and finance.


Money Worksheet - Money Lesson Plan - Money Lesson


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