Insurance is defined as a contract (called an insurance policy) where one party (insurer) agrees to pay another party (insured) for losses affecting the insured's interests (the insurable interest).
Premium is the
consideration that the insurer
receives for paying the loss.
Ask students their experience
with premiums, if applicable.
Insurance Types Include:
Teachers may introduce this lesson by having the class brainstorm different scenarios of "disasters" that could happen in their daily lives.
Examples are automobile accident, fire, sickness, etc... Then ask the students the after-effects of each of those accidents. What if there was a way to ensure that one wouldn't go bankrupt after a sickness that required hospitalization? Or if loved ones could be taken care of after a family member's death?
There is a way - that is called insurance.
Application exercise:
Combine the student's into groups to discuss which type of insurance would help their original brainstormed list of accident/disasters.
Why or how would insurance help them in these incidents? When would insurance NOT help? What types of insurance do they or their parents have? Is there a need for other types of insurance in their future?
Discuss examples.

Lesson Printable Materials -
Print out the following pages for
use with this lesson:
Insurance Types Lesson
Lesson on the traditional
types of interview
questions. Includes
student questions and task. |
Insurance Worksheets
Insurance worksheets.
Students should fill in the
blank with the correct word,
answer true or false, and
justify answers. |
Do you have a recommendation for an enhancement to this
insurance lesson, or do you have an idea for a new
lesson? Then leave us a
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Insurance Lessons, Worksheets, and Information
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