
Lessons and Worksheets


Welcome to the Insurance Lessons and worksheets category!

Insurance is an essential aspect of personal finance management as it provides financial protection against unforeseeable losses. At Money Instructor, we believe in the importance of understanding different types of insurance policies, concepts, and principles.

Our resources cover a broad range of insurance policies, including health and medical, auto, life, travel, homeowners, and rental insurance. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about your insurance needs.

We offer comprehensive lessons and worksheets on important insurance terms, principles, rules, and procedures. You can learn at your own pace, and our materials are suitable for students of all levels. Our informative articles, helpful tips, and other relevant topics are designed to help you navigate the complex world of insurance with ease.

If you are a teacher or an educator, we have resources that can help you teach insurance to your students. Our lessons and worksheets are customizable, and you can use them to create engaging lesson plans that cater to your students' unique learning needs.

Insurance Lessons


Insurance Introduction: Types of Insurance

An introduction to insurance, the different types of insurance, and terminology.



What is Insurance?

An instructional video lesson introducing students to the basics of insurance, how does it work, and its importance. Learn about controlling risk, contract costs and benefits, premiums and deductibles, common types of insurance policies. Meaning, definition, and explanation of insurance.



Car Insurance

An introductory lesson on basic car insurance terminology. Learn about car insurance monthly premiums and answer the questions about choosing car insurance. Teaching focus is on price comparison, and early understanding of basic liability insurance.




What is Car Insurance? How does it Work?

In this lesson students will learn learn the basics of car insurance, including what it is, why you need it, and common car insurance terminology. We cover different types of car insurance coverage, factors affecting insurance premiums, and optional coverages.



What is Renters Insurance Lesson

A lesson about what is a renters insurance. Students learn about Renters Insurance, including its key coverage types, cost estimation, policy types, and also the significance of risk management to best protect assets and avoid potential financial issues when renting. This lesson covers the key components of such policies, illustrating how they serve as a financial safety net for individuals renting their living spaces.


Health Insurance Worksheet Lesson Plan HEALTH INSURANCE

Health Insurance

Learn about health insurance monthly premiums and answer the questions about choosing a company's health insurance plan.



Homeowners Insurance Explained: Beginner’s Guide to Coverage, Cost, and Benefits Lesson

Students will learn the essentials of homeowners insurance, including its importance and coverage areas such as dwelling, personal property, and liability. Practical tips for choosing the right policy, understanding exclusions, and filing claims are provided. The guide is relevant for homeowners across various states, helping them protect their homes, belongings, and finances.




How to Prepare your Finances for an Emergency or Disaster

There are many situations in which you need to be financially prepared, including hurricanes, house fires, floods, pandemics, and more. Proper planning, including saving emergency money with a emergency savings fund, is key to help avoid a personal financial crisis. An instructional video lesson introducing students to the basic steps to make sure their finances are ready for emergencies, natural disasters, and other related events.



Insurance – Identifying and Managing Risk

Students learn about risk and insurance.


Different Types of Insurance

Students learn about different types of insurance.

Using Insurance to Manage Risk

Students learn how insurance can be used to manage risk.



An Overview of Permanent Health Insurance Coverage
Permanent health insurance provides you and your family with peace of mind and protection, providing access to an array of health services.  Here is an overview of what permanent health insurance provides.


Types of Family Health Insurance
Information on the basic types of family health insurance.


Which Benefit Plan is Right for Me?
Learn the basics on companies employee health benefit plans.


Choosing the Right Level of Auto Insurance
Learn about the different types of auto insurance coverage, and what types of insurance you may need for your car.


Different Types of Auto Insurance
Information on the different types of auto insurance policies available.


An Overview of Life Insurance
We don't know what the future may bring.  Here is an overview and information on life insurance.


The Importance of Homeowner Insurance Coverage
Your home and property are at risk from dangers beyond your control.  You can help eliminate these financial risks with homeowner insurance coverage.


Strategies to Cutting Insurance Costs

Here are some tips to help cut and lower your insurance costs.



More Insurance Information

More information and advice on health insurance, auto insurance, life insurance, and more.


Additional Insurance Information

Additional insurance information.




Business Math
Teach and learn the concepts of basic business math. These lesson plans, business lessons, interactive material, and worksheets will introduce your students to these basic math concepts. Topics include earning money, income and wages, taxes, checking accounts, bank savings accounts, and more consumer math skills, examples and problems.






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