Successful Exercising at Home

How many of us buy expensive fitness club memberships, only to realize that exercising at such a facility just isn't our thing or that we lack the motivation it takes to get into our cars and travel there each time we want to exercise?  Rather than abandon the quest for a healthier lifestyle, it's possible to formulate a successful at-home exercise program that will keep you physically fit all year long, without ever leaving your home…or, at least, your neighborhood.

All forms of exercise require motivation, even the kind of exercise that you perform in the comfort of your home.  Actually, it often takes more motivation to exercise at home, where it's so easy to find something else to keep you busy or where it's tempting to choose to spend time with the TV or computer instead of the treadmill.

Determine your Favorite Type of Exercise

In order to stay motivated and develop a regular exercise routine, it helps to choose a form of exercise that is enjoyable to you as well as beneficial.  If you look forward to your daily workout, you're more likely not to skip it.

If it's been a while since you've exercised, you may want to start with a low-impact activity such as walking.  Just 20 minutes of brisk walking per day not only burns calories but will also improve your cardiovascular health and tone your leg muscles.  You can walk just about anywhere…from the streets of your neighborhood to the local mall.  As a matter of fact, many malls sponsor early-morning walking programs, which are especially popular during the winter in cold climates.  Such programs also present an opportunity to make friends who enjoy similar active pursuits.

Cycling is also an ideal form of exercise and is enjoyed by many, especially during pleasant weather.  Like walking, it will improve tone, burn inches, and promote better cardio-vascular help, but at a faster pace than walking.

Another good form of at-home exercise is the exercise video.  These come in all shapes and sizes and you can certainly find one for your level of exercise expertise.  Choose from a variety of videos including step programs, Pilates, dancer-size (combining exercise with dance), or just basic workout tapes.

Many individuals choose to purchase exercise equipment like treadmills, exercise bikes, or elliptical trainers.  For some, this equipment becomes a place to hang the laundry, but if you make this form of exercise interesting by placing the equipment in front of a TV or adding a book rack so that you can read while you burn calories, you're more likely to continue your routine.

Find a Friend

Exercising is more fun when you find a friend or two with whom to enjoy it.  Establish a neighborhood walking or cycling club or buy an extra piece of equipment so that a friend or spouse can join you.  Sometimes it takes someone else to keep you motivated or hold you accountable, so enlisting a friend will probably result in a higher rate of success.

Establish a Routine

If at all possible, exercise at the same time every day.  Establishing a routine means that you've set aside a specific time in your busy schedule for exercise and you'll be more likely to stick with it.

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