Play Money
Play Money for Teaching Money Skills

Welcome to our page on play money. Here, you'll find a variety of printable play money sheets designed for teaching children the fundamentals of counting and managing money. Whether you're a teacher looking for classroom resources or a parent seeking entertaining yet educational activities for their child, these play money pages provide excellent opportunities to develop financial literacy skills.
To get started, simply choose from our categories of play money sheets or click on the link to open a new browser window for the sheet you want to download and print. We hope these resources prove helpful and engaging for your young learners.
Next, see our counting money category for lessons and worksheets to learn money recognition skills, and how to count and use money.
Printable Play Money Worksheets
Create sheets of coins. Good for money lesson plans.
Realistic bills. Suitable for money lesson plans. Create paper money.
Single Printable Play Money Pages
All currency worksheets are for educational purposes only.
Teaching and learning how to identify and use money is an important skill to learn at an early age.
These printable worksheets, lesson plans, lessons, and interactive material will help students master concepts of counting money with coins and bills, whether they are just beginning to learn to count coins, or if they need additional practice.
Worksheets are customizable for varying abilities, skills, and ages. Interactive computer learning lessons and games.
Additional Lessons
Play Money Lesson Plan: Create a Money Graph
The Play Money Lesson Plan is an activity designed to teach students about different denominations of currency and how to create and interpret bar graphs.
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