One of the more difficult but basic money skills is understanding how to make change, and knowing how much change you will receive when spending money and purchasing an item or items. Use these worksheets and lessons to help your students learn how to make change. Practice is available with coins and bills. Learn to make change for a dollar. Teach by creating your own money worksheets and Interactive lessons.
Please note that making change requires more advanced money skills. Prior to using these lessons, students should have mastered our other more basic money categories, including identification, coins, and bills in our main counting money lessons category.
GETTING CHANGE FOR SNACKS Buying Food and Getting Change Students practice with getting change and food prices. Answer how much change is received when spending money on food items using coins.
MAKING CHANGE Practice counting and making change with COINS. How much change should be given and how much will you get in return?
MAKING CHANGE WITH BILLS Practice counting and making change with COINS AND BILLS. How much change should be given and how much will you get in return? Learn making change for a dollar and counting back money. One, Five, Ten, Twenty, Dollar Bills. Includes American and Canadian currency.
COIN COMBINATIONS Prior to learning to make change, students should be able to identify how many coins equals a given dollar amount. Use this worksheet lesson to help students learn this money concept.
INTERACTIVE GAME: GIVING CHANGE Students act as the cashier using this interactive game to help practice giving or making change..
MULTIPLE COMBINATIONS Students identify different coin combinations that equal the same amount. For example, identify two different ways to make change for a dollar. Random worksheet includes multiple configuration options. American, Canadian, British and Euro Coins. Includes Canadian and British dollar and two dollar (loonies and toonie) coins.
ROUNDING MONEY ONE DOLLAR MORE Some students have difficulty with giving and making change. With this lesson, students practice giving the correct amount of money by rounding up, which is a simplified method for counting and making change when spending money.
INTERACTIVE GAME: NEXT DOLLAR UP Use this interactive game to help reinforce the next dollar up, rounding up, or one dollar more method. Students practice rounding up to the nearest dollar.
HOW MUCH CHANGE? Worksheet uses only coins (no numbers). Students practice at determining how much change will be returned.
LEVEL 1 (Easiest)
* How Much Change? (focus on Nickels) * How Much Change? (focus on Dimes)
LEVEL 2 * How Much Change? (Nickels, Dimes)
* How Much Change? (Pennies, Nickels) * How Much Change? (Pennies, Dimes) * How Much Change? (Pennies, Quarters) * How Much Change? (Nickels, Dimes, Quarters)
* How Much Change? (Pennies, Nickels, Dimes) * How Much Change? (Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters)
LEVEL 5 (Most Difficult) * How Much Change? (all coins and more of them)
CHOOSE THE MATCHING CHANGE Worksheet uses only coins (no numbers). Students practice at determining how much change matches the change given in the question. (focus applies to the question, not the choices)
LEVEL 1 - 1 Coin (Easiest)
* Choose the Matching Change (All Coins)
LEVEL 1 - 2 Coins
* Choose the Matching Change (focus on Nickels) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Dimes) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Quarters)
* Choose the Matching Change (All Coins)
LEVEL 2 - 3 Coins
* Choose the Matching Change (focus on Nickels) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Dimes) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Quarters)
* Choose the Matching Change (All Coins)
LEVEL 3 - 5 Coins
* Choose the Matching Change (focus on Nickels) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Dimes) * Choose the Matching Change (focus on Quarters)
* Choose the Matching Change (All Coins)
MAKING CHANGE BY COUNTING ON Practice making change by using the counting on technique - counting coins, writing, and adding up the respective amounts. Counting on is a technique that can be used to learn how to give change. Includes Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Making Change: Working with Money Lesson
Counting Change (discontinued) Practice counting and making change with coins. In this lesson you are the cashier responsible for giving change.
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